News from the Knoff Group

Belgrade residential impact fees to double

The city has held off for 12 years on instituting the full recommended total in order to spur development. Belgrade is the ‘new frontier’ for new construction – it will be interesting to see how this affects pricing in an already accelerating market Belgrade residential impact fees to double Belgrade News, Michael Tucker, editor May …

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Do we all have a stake in affordable housing? 

Monday’s Bozeman City Commission meeting will discuss an ordinance that will make it easier for developers and builders to build affordable housing units without them being ‘mandated’ to – through reduced impact fees thorough subsidy, smaller lot size requirements, reduced parkland requirements and accelerated permit processing. If this passes, it’s up to the builders and …

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Bozeman builders will be allowed to defer impact fees

The City of Bozeman has decided to allow developers to ‘defer’ their payment of impact fees until the Certificate of Occupancy is granted – this allows builders to not have to ‘up front’ the cost of the fees at the start of construction, instead allowing them to be paid when the construction is completed.  Strangely …

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