News from the Knoff Group

Knoff Group Presents: The Best Local Guide Books

Whether you’re into hiking, fishing, scenic drives, or want to know more about southwestern Montana, local guidebooks are a great resource! Knoff Group Real Estate has compiled a list of the best guidebooks for all your area explorations. If you’re seeking a guidebook to help you explore the beautiful wilderness in the area, you should …

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Eliminate Energy Vampires in Your Home

Homeowners can be smart about conserving electricity, saving money and resources…or not.  Amazingly, many of the ‘new’ technologies that we use in our homes are major energy wasters – even when they appear to be turned off.  This is an interesting article about what you can do to save energy and thicken your wallet. Don’t …

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10 Ways to Save Water at Home | June Sunset Mag

Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley are located in a Cold semi-arid climate.  These sort of climates feature dry summers and cold winters with snowfall during the winter months.  As a result, Montanans and those downstream of us, need to be thinking along the lines of conservation of resources.  Water conservation is becoming a bigger and …

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