News from the Knoff Group

New Appraisal Rules; The Sky Is Not Falling – Forbes

Collateral Underwriter is an automated risk assessment software that reviews appraisal reports for FannieMae regulated mortgages.  There has been much discussion that the program (already updated to another version since released at the beginning of the year) is essentially creating a ‘zestimate’ i.e. automatic valuation based on algorithms.  Or it could just speed the process …

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Six Points – Mortgage Program Basics

PureWest Christie’s International Real Estate in Bozeman recently held a Mortgage Basics discussion, hosted by Mortgage Broker Sherrie Kitto of Rocky Mountain Bank.  The class reviewed the basics of what programs available on the mortgage market.  As interest rates increase, the variety of loan programs available to buyers becomes more attractive.  Some offer very low …

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