News from the Knoff Group

What is CSST & Should I be Concerned?

This was a newsletter article in the June edition of the NorthWestern Energy Connections. Interesting read – good things to know.

Should I be concerned if CSST is in my home?

Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) is a continuous, flexible, stainless steel pipe that is typically covered with a yellow exterior plastic coating. CSST is used to supply gas in residential, commercial and industrial structures.

It is usually routed beneath, through and alongside floor joists in your basement, inside interior wall cavities, and on top of ceiling joists in attic spaces. All CSST must be bonded and grounded according to installation instructions by a qualified person. If CSST is not properly grounded, current from a lightning strike could travel through the structure’s natural gas piping system and cause a leak or, in some cases, a fire.
CSST may have been installed in your home or business if it was built after 1990, or if work has been performed on the natural gas piping system since that time – such as having a new furnace or stove installed. If CSST has been used in your home or business, contact a licensed electrician for confirmation that a bonding device was installed. For more information on CSST, visit