Roadways continue to be a hot topic in the City of Bozeman. Antiquated roads and lack of thoroughfares have caused more traffic issues as our population grows. The city commissioners are making moves to use some of the impact fees that the construction boom have brought into the coffers…
Bozeman commission funds Graf Street connection from 19th to South Third
By Eric Dietrich Chronicle Staff Writer October 5, 2016
Bozeman city commissioners, looking to patch up gaps in the city’s transportation grid, voted Monday to spend $2.3 million in street impact fee money for several road projects, including connecting Graf Street between South 19th and South Third avenues.
The Graf Street project, which had already been allocated $1 million, received an additional $1.1 million for work to build a remaining stretch of road between 19th and Ritter Drive, two blocks west of South Third.
“That’s an important corridor for the community right now, and even more important in the future,” said Public Works Director Craig Woolard.
Graf will provide south Bozeman with another east-west connection, providing an alternative to Kagy Boulevard and Goldenstein Lane for drivers looking to get between 19th and neighborhoods along South Third.
The Graf project, Woolard said, is being done in conjunction with the Yellowstone Theological Institute development, which is helping cover some of the cost. The city will also set up a payback district, he said, requiring future development in the area to reimburse the city for approximately 40 percent of its cost.
In a commission briefing memo, Woolard also said he expects that upcoming development projects will provide money to extend 11th Avenue to Graf.
Source: Bozeman commission funds Graf Street connection from 19th to South Third